Our financial calculators provide you with the tools needed to make important financial decisions and reach your economic goals. Research loan payments, manage personal savings and calculate how much you will earn on your CD at maturity.

All loans are subject to credit approval, and final rate may vary based on several factors including FICO 9 credit score, personal credit history and term of loan. Advertised rates are subject to change without notice. Verification of income may be required. Must be 18 years of age to qualify for a loan. Membership at Electrical Credit Union is required to participate with a minimum share/savings balance of $25.00.
For Share and IRA Share Certificates, dividend rates are paid from current quarter earnings and are not guaranteed. APR and APY are subject to change, without notice, at anytime prior to the issuance of the certificate. After the point of issuance APR and APY are fixed until maturity. Early withdrawal penalties apply. Share certificates with a 12-month term or less surrendered for payment prior to the maturity date will forfeit 90 days of interest, except in the death of the owner or liquidation of the credit union. Share certificates greater than 12 months surrendered for payment prior to the maturity date will forfeit 180 days of interest, except in the death of the owner or the liquidation of the credit union. Share Certificate earnings could be reduced if fees are added. Membership eligibility required.