Special Fraud Alert
Protect Yourself From Scams
If you receive a call or text claiming to be from EFCU, requesting account information (account numbers, balances, login information) or personal information such as your social security number, DO NOT reply or click on any links. HANG UP and contact EFCU directly.
Fraudsters are out in full force imitating credit unions and banks trying to obtain your information. They are even able to change the caller ID to show as "EFCU". We will never initiate a call or text asking for your account details, personal information or digital/mobile banking credentials.
Never disclose your digital banking login credentials to ANYONE.
The only text you may receive from us is to verify a possible fraudulent card transaction in which you would only respond "YES" or "NO".
Contact EFCU at 303-428-5080 during normal business hours for assistance with any suspicious communications. Or you can email us at: memberservices@electricalfcu.org.