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Construction Worker

Our Story


EFCU was established on July 1, 1953 by members of IBEW 68 Denver to better the financial future of IBEW 68 members and their families. Over the years we have worked to expand our membership to include additional Denver area labor unions such as IBEW 111, UFCW 7, Plumbers Local 3, Carpenters Local 55, OPEIU 5, Sheet Metal Workers Local 9 and many other labor unions through our affiliation with the Colorado AFL-CIO and the Denver Area Labor Federation.

Solar Panels Technician


The goal of the credit union, from day one, is best described by our mission statement which is the following:


"To serve the current and future financial needs of our present and potential members in the most convenient and productive manner possible and provide our members with expanding financial services at fair and favorable rates and terms, while continuing to assure the credit union’s sound financial position.”


As the only Colorado credit union, or bank, with a unionized office staff (organized through OPEIU Local 30), members can rest assured knowing they have access to competitive financial products and services while also supporting fellow labor union members.

Electrician Fixing the Light Inside Remodeled Apartment. Construction Theme..jpg

Who can join?

Today, EFCU serves the following unions and groups with pride:


International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 68

(IBEW 68)


International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 111

(IBEW 111)


SMART Local 9


Eaton Metal Products Employees


United Food and Commercial Workers Local 7 (UFCW 7)


Plumbers Local 3 (PPF/UA Denver)


Carpenters Local 55 (CJA Denver)


Office & Professional Employees International Union Local 30


Denver Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA)


Any labor union affiliated with either the Colorado AFL-CIO or the Denver Area Labor Federation (DALF)


ANY family member of an EFCU member can also join!

Electrician Fixing the Light Inside Remodeled Apartment. Construction Theme.
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